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Rustoleum Cover-Stain Primer Sealer Masterchem 10002 Extra Strength Stain Killer Primer Sealer Rustoleum Cover-Stain Interior/Exterior Primer Sealer
Seals wood, masonry, drywall, all porous surfaces. Sticks to all surfaces without sanding. Spot seals water marks. Hides stains, graffiti, ink, crayon, etc. Convenient spray for hard to cover areas. Topcoat with any paint in just 30 minutes. White color. Blocks most severe stains including water, smoke, tannin, ink, pencil, felt marker, grease and also seals pet, food and smoke odors. Original may be topcoated with latex or oil-based paint. Seals porous surfaces for uniform finish. Use on: wood, drywall, plaster, paneling, wallpaper, masonry, brick, painted metal and properly prepared glossy surfaces. Seals wood, masonry, drywall, all porous surfaces. Spot seals water marks. Hides stains, graffiti, ink, crayon, etc. Sticks to all surfaces without sanding. Topcoat with any paint in just 30 minutes. White color.
Kilz 10042 Interior Primer Sealer Kilz Original Interior Primer Sealer Stain Blocker California 20701-4 Stain Killer Primer
For stain blocking in areas where high odor levels are prohibitive. Blocks severe stains and odors. Seals pet, nicotine and smoke odors. Bright white and non-yellowing. No lingering odor. Stains: severe smoke and water. Odors: pet, nicotine and smoke. Use on: furniture, woodwork, paneling, wallpaper, masonry, brick and painted metal. Blocks most severe stains including water, smoke, tannin, ink, pencil, felt marker, grease and also seals pet, food and smoke odors. Original may be topcoated with latex or oil-based paint. Seals porous surfaces for uniform finish. Use on: wood, drywall, plaster, paneling, wallpaper, masonry, brick, painted metal and properly prepared glossy surfaces. Prevents the migration of bleeding stains. Seals water skins on plaster, ceiling tile and sheetrock. Can seal soot damage and smoke residue that remains after washing or solvent cleaning prior to repainting with latex or oil base topcoats.
Rustoleum Cover-Stain Interior/Exterior Primer Sealer Rustoleum Cover-Stain High Hide Primer Sealer Kilz Original Interior Low VOC Primer Sealer
Seals wood, masonry, drywall, all porous surfaces. Spot seals water marks. Hides stains, graffiti, ink, crayon, etc. Sticks to all surfaces without sanding. Topcoat with any paint in just 30 minutes. White color. Seals wood, masonry, drywall, all porous surfaces. Spot seals water marks. Hides stains, graffiti, ink, crayon, etc. Sticks to all surfaces without sanding. Topcoat with any paint in just 30 minutes. White color. Blocks most severe stains including water, smoke, tannin, ink, pencil, felt marker, grease and also seals pet, food and smoke odors. Original may be topcoated with latex or oil-based paint. Seals porous surfaces for uniform finish. Use on: wood, drywall, plaster, paneling, wallpaper, masonry, brick, painted metal and properly prepared glossy surfaces.
Kilz Original Interior Primer Sealer Stain Blocker Rustoleum Bulls Eye Interior Primer Sealer Rustoleum Bulls Eye Interior Primer Sealer
Blocks most severe stains including water, smoke, tannin, ink, pencil, felt marker, grease and also seals pet, food and smoke odors. Original may be topcoated with latex or oil-based paint. Seals porous surfaces for uniform finish. Use on: wood, drywall, plaster, paneling, wallpaper, masonry, brick, painted metal and properly prepared glossy surfaces. Prevents bleeding. Seals the surface and blocks tough stains from water, nicotine and graffiti. Use to seal porous surfaces like builder's flat paint, drywall, unfinished wood, concrete and other unpainted surfaces providing a smooth, even finish with better topcoat coverage. Ready to recoat in two hours. Dries to a flat finish that sands easily. Can also be tinted. Prevents bleeding. Seals the surface and blocks tough stains from water, nicotine and graffiti. Use to seal porous surfaces like builder's flat paint, drywall, unfinished wood, concrete and other unpainted surfaces providing a smooth, even finish with better topcoat coverage. Ready to recoat in two hours. Dries to a flat finish that sands easily. Can also be tinted.
Kilz Original Interior Low VOC Primer Sealer Rustoleum Cover-Stain Interior/Exterior Primer Sealer Kilz 10041 Interior Primer Sealer
Blocks most severe stains including water, smoke, tannin, ink, pencil, felt marker, grease and also seals pet, food and smoke odors. Original may be topcoated with latex or oil-based paint. Seals porous surfaces for uniform finish. Use on: wood, drywall, plaster, paneling, wallpaper, masonry, brick, painted metal and properly prepared glossy surfaces. Seals wood, masonry, drywall, all porous surfaces. Spot seals water marks. Hides stains, graffiti, ink, crayon, etc. Sticks to all surfaces without sanding. Topcoat with any paint in just 30 minutes. White color. For stain blocking in areas where high odor levels are prohibitive. Blocks severe stains and odors. Seals pet, nicotine and smoke odors. Bright white and non-yellowing. No lingering odor. Stains: severe smoke and water. Odors: pet, nicotine and smoke. Use on: furniture, woodwork, paneling, wallpaper, masonry, brick and painted metal.
Kilz Complete Interior/Exterior Low VOC Primer Sealer Rustoleum Cover-Stain High Hide Primer Sealer Kilz Complete Interior/Exterior Low VOC Primer Sealer
Primer, sealer and severe stain blocker. It is ideal for blocking severe fire and smoke damage, tannins from Cedar and Redwood and other bleeding stains. Offers great penetration and adhesion, quick dry time and a dry film that is mold resistant. May be topcoated with latex or oil-base paint. Seals smoke, pet and food odors .  Seals porous surfaces for uniform finish. Seals wood, masonry, drywall, all porous surfaces. Spot seals water marks. Hides stains, graffiti, ink, crayon, etc. Sticks to all surfaces without sanding. Topcoat with any paint in just 30 minutes. White color. Primer, sealer and severe stain blocker. It is ideal for blocking severe fire and smoke damage, tannins from Cedar and Redwood and other bleeding stains. Offers great penetration and adhesion, quick dry time and a dry film that is mold resistant. May be topcoated with latex or oil-base paint. Seals smoke, pet and food odors .  Seals porous surfaces for uniform finish.
Zinsser 3951 Interior Stain Blocker Cabot Problem-Solver Exterior Extra Quick Primer Sealer Cabot Problem-Solver Exterior Extra Quick Primer Sealer
Developed for "people-sensitive" areas in commercial and residential environments. Kills stains from water, graffiti, ink, and crayon. Sticks to all surfaces without sanding. Can be use under or over any oil, latex topcoat, old alkyd paints and varnishes or left uncoated for a bright white, dead-flat finish. Seals porous surfaces and has high pH resistance. For masonry, plaster and fast-set joint compounds. Non-yellowing, sands easily. Dries in 30 minutes. Can be recoated in two hours. Use as a base coat for all types of solid stains and paints. For siding, shingles, plywood, and both smooth or rough-sawn surfaces. Also suited for application over previously oil-based stained or painted surfaces. Can be applied immediately to new, dry, unseasoned, mill-glazed (smooth) siding. Dries to a uniform flat finish. On smooth surfaces, covers 400-500 sq. ft. per gallon; on rough surfaces, covers 150-250 sq. ft. per gallon. Use as a base coat for all types of solid stains and paints. For siding, shingles, plywood, and both smooth or rough-sawn surfaces. Also suited for application over previously oil-based stained or painted surfaces. Can be applied immediately to new, dry, unseasoned, mill-glazed (smooth) siding. Dries to a uniform flat finish. On smooth surfaces, covers 400-500 sq. ft. per gallon; on rough surfaces, covers 150-250 sq. ft. per gallon.
California 20701-1 Stain Killer Primer
Prevents the migration of bleeding stains. Seals water skins on plaster, ceiling tile and sheetrock. Can seal soot damage and smoke residue that remains after washing or solvent cleaning prior to repainting with latex or oil base topcoats.